“There is a particular place on the path to a brook near my home, a very precise moment, when a ping ping ping in my body magically morphs into exquisite sensation. It feels like the tissue that occupies space between my heart and solar plexus is expanding. My breath catches. It stops me in my tracks every time. It’s not always the exact same place when this happens, it’s like there is a clear line, not straight or identifiable by sight, that marks just where the edge of very old meets new, where what has always been meets what is always possible. “
Kathy’s work making quilts began with traditionally inspired designs of her own as a young mother, evolving into a more spontaneous process with a wide variety of techniques that now often includes her own hand-dyed fabrics and threads, and re-purposed fabric. She has exhibited and sold her work, taught classes, and written a book, “Adding Wood to the Fire, A Quiltmaker’s Way.”
Architecture & Design was Kathy’s profession for forty years. Her passion for working with the character of existing buildings manifested in a practice of adaptive re-use, historic renovation, and affordable housing. She worked with individual homeowners, municipalities, and non-profit organizations to provide a process oriented team approach to project management and design.
Her work as a textile artist embodies the energy of these two paths, exploring the tension between what can be planned and what flows intuitively as a basis for design. With a leap of faith, she begins a process with the presupposition that order and beauty is THERE, that she just has to be open to seeing it. The work is improvisational and abstract.
She has been dancing on the edge of very old meeting new for a long time. Seeking places where the possibility of movement from a ping ping ping to a heart opening presence has become a way of life, fueling the motivation to make art every day.